
Unlock Reading Success with Standards-Based Practice

Our reading comprehension resources provide students with rigorous practice in understanding both fiction and informational text. Each resource includes a certified Lexile Framework for Reading measure and is aligned with standards to track progress. Discover how our proven Approach and Routine can support your reading instruction.

Research-Backed Approach and Routine for Lasting Success

Simple Solutions employs three proven strategies—retrieval practice, spaced practice, and interleaving—to deepen student understanding and retention.

  • Retrieval Practice: Reinforce learning by having students recall information regularly, strengthening memory pathways.
  • Spaced Practice: Also referred to as “spiraling,” encourages long-term retention by revisiting concepts over time.
  • Interleaving: Also called “mixed review” or “mixed practice,” challenge students with varied material to enhance critical thinking and adaptability.
reading comprehension books

Reading Comprehension

When you’re looking for quality reading comprehension books, trust Simple Solutions. Learn more about our offerings here.

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