Next Generation Science

Supplement Your NGSS Lesson Plans with Simple Solutions

Our Next Generation Science workbooks are designed to integrate with your Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) lesson plans to facilitate a deeper understanding of complex topics. These workbooks provide informational text and practice items that closely correspond to the Disciplinary Core Ideas (DCIs) laid out by the NGSS.

Using our materials, students will develop their understanding in four areas: Physical Science, Life Science, Earth & Space Science, and Engineering, Technology, and Applications of Science. These workbooks can be used in conjunction with any science text, kit, or instructional materials. They are suitable for independent work, partner/group work, or as part of whole-class instruction. Learn more about how our workbooks supplement your NGSS lesson plans below, or reach out to our team with questions.

What’s Included with Our Next Generation Science Workbooks?

Our science workbooks are tailored for each grade level and contain varying amounts of lessons and quizzes. Each level contains a complete glossary and a Pre/Post-Test.

  • Grades 3-5 contain 108 lessons and 22 quizzes
  • Grades 6-8 contain 140 lessons and 28 quizzes

Teachers also get full year access to the S²TaR Center, an exclusive online resource that helps enhance the learning experience. The center includes Topic Guides, Help Pages, Suggestions for Success, and answers to daily review lessons. Teachers can also access weekly quizzes, which can be printed or used in digital form. The website can integrate with your school’s preferred choice of the single sign-on method.

How the Simple Solutions Approach Helps Students Succeed

We use three research-based strategies—retrieval practice, spacing, and interleaving—that are proven to increase student success in the classroom. For decades, these strategies have been improving long-term retention, enhancing student confidence, and increasing standardized test scores.

Retrieval Practice

Each Simple Solutions lesson requires students to repeatedly retrieve information from memory. With practice, this will strengthen their neural pathways and help them easily recall information in the future.


Daily lessons that spiral previously learned materials as well as weekly quizzes help prevent forgetting. Over time, retrieving material in small bits ensures long-term retention.


Many other textbooks and workbooks focus on massed (blocked) practice, but we use an interleaving strategy. All of our lessons cover material that’s already been taught, and students must decide how they’ll answer each question.

Start Working with Simple Solutions Today

When you’re ready to bring Simple Solutions to your classroom, our team will be ready to help. Reach out to us today for pricing and samples.

Product Samples

  • Select a Grade Level:

Level 3

Sample 1

Level 3

Sample 2

Level 3

Sample 3

Level 3

Topic Guide

Level 3


Level 3

DCI Alignment