Standards-Based English

Promote Deeper Learning with Our Standards-Based English Workbooks

Simple Solutions Standards-Based English uses time-tested methods to facilitate a deeper understanding of complex concepts. Aligned with standards for English Language Arts, these English workbooks reinforce key ideas, understandings, and skills, while emphasizing English Language Arts concepts for each grade level. Learn more about the workbooks below, or contact our team with questions.

What’s Included?

When you purchase a Simple Solutions workbook, you get access to our robust resources that augment your teaching and promote long-term retention. The workbook lessons offer practice of current grade level standards, as well as standards-based material from previous grade levels. You’ll benefit from 140 lessons, 35 quizzes (two versions), Help Pages, and a pre/post-test. All lessons and quizzes are coded to show standard alignment, allowing you to see where students excel and where they need to improve.

You’ll also gain access to our online S²TaR Center, which includes access to Topic Guides, Help Pages, Suggestions for Success, and answers to daily review lessons. Weekly quizzes, which can be printed or used in digital form, are also available. This website can integrate with your school’s preferred choice of the single sign-on method.

Digital Lesson Option

For schools that want to utilize their one-to-one technology, Simple Solutions also offers a digital option for Standards-Based English, grades 3-5. This option includes all the features of the workbook in a digital format as well as full access to the S²TaR Center. Teachers assign daily lessons and students complete them online. Instant feedback is provided to students as each item in the lesson is completed. Teachers can also review student results and see standard alignment immediately. We provide a helpful online tutorial for using digital lessons so that moving from a workbook to an online book can be seamless.

How Our Standards-Based English Workbooks Help Students Succeed

The Simple Solutions Approach is a time-tested method, helping students gain a deeper understanding of academic topics. It combines three research-based strategies—retrieval practice, spacing, and interleaving—that are proven to prepare students for success.

Retrieval Practice

When students complete our lessons, they repeatedly retrieve information from their memory. The mental effort they exert strengthens their neural pathways and makes it easier to recall the information in the future.


Our lessons are specifically designed to spread retrieval practice out over time. This allows the information to transfer to students’ long-term memory; this way, they learn the material more deeply and can better adapt the information to new situations.


Many textbooks and workbooks focus on massed (blocked) practice. That is, they focus on one concept at a time and then move onto the next. Simple Solutions workbooks function differently. All lessons revisit material that has already been taught, and students have to decide which strategy they’ll use to answer the questions.

Get Started with Simple Solutions

Ready to implement Simple Solutions English workbooks into your classroom? Contact our team for samples and pricing.

Product Samples

  • Select a Grade Level:

Level 1

Sample 1

Level 1

Sample 2

Level 1

Sample 3

Level 1

Help Pages

Level 1

Topic Guide